Sin-A-Mon Tales

A chronicle of my kitchen experiments, a little healthy a little indulgent

Til Gajak

I have been in a very sad and nostalgic mood since morning… its been 9 years now but still every winters my heart starts to ache for Delhi and every lohri its at the peak…  I have been thinking about those cold mornings and evenings and the very warming winter food. The Til Gajak… Though now one can easily get it in Bangalore but there is something about the ones from Delhi or may be its the heart, its the memories attached with it. So while I was in that mood today N told me why don’t you make gajak.. Being in kitchen will also pep you up (Yeah its become like a norm now, mona is depressed make her cook/bake) and I really liked the idea and started surfing for the recipe. I initially thought of making Varo which was the Indian Cooking Challenge couple of months back but I had missed it but I also wanted to make something with Jaggery and not Sugar. So the search continued and as usual I picked up something from here, something from there and made my gajak and its absolutely yumm…. infact N was not letting me take pictures at all as wanted to eat. I made a smaller quantity as I was making it for the first time but now I am regretting it…


And now that I have made some gajak and eaten it too I feel better much better and I am planning on what to do in the evening Smile

What I used

  • 1 cup sesame seeds
  • 1 cup jaggery (I used dark brown jaggery because thats what I had at home, u can go ahead and use the normal jaggery)
  • 2 tsp of ghee
  • 2 tsp of cardamom seeds powder
  • 1/2 cup of water


How I made it

  • Dry roast the sesame seeds till they start crackling a little and keep aside
  • Grind or cut jaggery coarsely and mix with water and bring to boil, lower the gas and simmer till it becomes a thick syrup. The test here should be to cook it till forms a ball when u drop a little in chilled water


  • See the big ball kinds in the above water, like that. Ignore the brownish liquid that was formed by the test I did before when the liquid was not cooked. At the time it will immediately spread and color the water like u see. It will take approx of 7-10 minutes
  • At this stage, add the sesame seeds, ghee and cardamom powder and mix well.
  • Immediately pour over a greased tray and leave for setting


  • Leave it for setting for about 30 minutes and cut into desired shapes and ofcourse eat and lift your senses Open-mouthed smile


So here’s hoping that this delicious offering will pep up your festival too as it did mine Smile happy lohri/Pongal/Sakranti to all of you

And I am sending it to Winter Warmers, what better dish to warm oneself than a gajak….

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And did u check out what my fellow foodie marathon buddies are upto? Priya Suresh,Jay, Valli, PJ, Priya Vaasu, Azeema, Reva, Ayeesha, Veena &Soumya.

27 comments on “Til Gajak

  1. veena
    January 13, 2011

    wow!!!!!!!!!!so delicious. How i wish i was there to pick some up:-)

    • monikamanchanda
      January 14, 2011

      come over veena I will make for u again as this batch is over 🙂

  2. gogoi
    January 13, 2011

    it seems to taste good. i want some of it hehhehe

  3. Writerzblock
    January 13, 2011

    Oh that looks super-tasty and not too intimidating to make either. Very nice, Mon. U’re a pro 🙂

    • monikamanchanda
      January 14, 2011

      yes pal I always thought that making gajak will be a very tedious task but it wasnt

  4. Swaram
    January 13, 2011

    Wow! U r gng really well on ur food blog Mon, with so many events 🙂
    This one looks awesome 🙂

  5. Srivalli
    January 13, 2011

    Wow if you can make such yummy ones when you are upset..then be upset more often..hahaha..kidding..I can understand how nostalgic it can be..hope you eat these and remember those days..

  6. Krithi Karthi
    January 13, 2011

    This is so good…

  7. UmaS
    January 13, 2011

    I love this….and I am hogging on this – made by mom….yummy. 🙂

  8. PJ
    January 13, 2011

    Looks so tempting Monika

  9. priya srinivasan
    January 14, 2011

    Wow!!! That looks yummy!!!!

  10. Umm Mymoonah
    January 14, 2011

    This looks very yummy.

  11. binpin
    January 14, 2011

    im really loving your Foodie NaBloPlo..Am here first thing very morning

  12. Life Begins
    January 14, 2011

    Every single day i dance with joy when i see new recipe here 🙂
    My cooking life has simplified to a great extent 🙂 🙂

    And as u already knwo..i made it too…right away. Small tweaks though…. hal sugar – half jaggery and sesame and almonds(very coarsely ground) – both 🙂
    yumm yumm yumm….dance dance dance..
    You made our otherwise dull lohri day very exciting!!

    • monikamanchanda
      January 14, 2011

      awwwww thank u so much bharti ur words really made me happy…

      I am so glad this added cheer to ur festival just as it added to mine 😀

  13. revathi
    January 14, 2011

    yummy looking munchies…perfect..

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